Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School!

Being a big nerd at heart, I used to love this time of year! I looked forward to the new school year and loved everything about it from the new backpacks to the new first day of school outfits to the best of all, new school supplies! Since school is now a distant memory for me, I usually find myself living through my younger brother. However, not this year! I'm going back to school!
Well, not REAL school...but FUN school! Fun for me anyways! And look what arrived at my doorstep just the other day... a new "backpack"! aka the most perfect camera bag that I've had my eye on for a long time. Plus, it's purple! My favorite color!
Starting September 6th I will be a student in SIMPLICITY'S photography e-course!
I can't wait to get started! If you are interested, it's not too late to register!


  1. So, is it as perfect as you imagined. I want that bag in the bronze.

  2. I didn't notice that such cute camera bags existed. It puts mine to shame!


  3. Ohhh I've got my eyes on a Jo's Totes bag as well! :) How are you liking it? I stopped by from Faiths...I'll be taking the Simplicity class as well! Your photos are great! Looking forward to getting to know you!
