Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gettin' out of Dodge!

It's the weekend! And even's a long holiday weekend! And no work on Monday! So...what's that mean?

Answer: We're getting the hell out of dodge!

D left this morning with a bunch of his friends from back home for their annual "guys-only trip." Lucky for him, he has Friday & Monday off, so he gets an extra long break! They made their way down to Port O'Connor, Texas for a weekend full of fun and fishing. I hope they come back with lots of fish!
As for me...I have to work tomorrow, but as soon as that clock hits 4:30pm...I'm heading south for an "all-girls" weekend. Since all the boys are out of town, we definitely couldn't miss out on this opportunity! Can't wait for a long weekend full of good food, wine, long talks & friends!
Tonight I walked in the back door, after a long day at work, and found this sweet note...

He's a keeper huh girls?

And since it's Friday...Here's some "Flashback Friday" Fun! (wow...say that 5 times fast!)

I always have so much fun when I'm with these wonderful girls. I couldn't be more thankful to have them in my life!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Have fun and be safe!

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